Kevin Parker

Heavy Repetition (Vol. 2)

Yes, Volume 2, not week 2, I dropped the ball there I’m afraid! Nevertheless, here it is, the second instalment of Heavy Repetition, the feature where I yammer on about what music I’ve been listening to recently, new, old or anywhere in-between. Bit of a theme with the majority of songs I’m sure you’ll notice. Indeed I’ve been having a bit of a obsession with a particular group of Australian musicians and their friends (anyone who knows me will know, this happens a lot… ahem), mainly due to the fact me, m’lady and some friends are off to see Tame Impala this summer and my metaphorical underwear has been in quite a state since acquiring the tickets. So excuse me, let me indulge myself a little with this one.

AAA Aardvark Getdown Services – This one is a little strange perhaps, theres no particular song to reference purely because nobody knows what they are yet! The band being the latest project of Tame Impala frontman Kevin Parker with friends Cam Avery (of Tame & Pond), Ben Witt and Cam Parkin. Indeed the video below is a live set recorded form Chevron Festival Gardens in Perth (AU), worth watching in entirety for some really interesting psychedelic dance pop (Personal favourite song can be witnessed at 14:28).
