
New Beginnings (Welcome To Shame Chamber)

Hello thar,

Whether you’re a friend, acquaintance or somebody who has happened to stumble across this site, welcome! This is Shame Chamber, a personal blog I have decided to start for my own sad sheer pleasure, in which I will be writing about… well… whatever.

First things first, let me introduce myself for anyone who may not know me. My name is Huw Woodward, I’m a 22 year old fella living in the West Midlands of England. In terms of an actual profession, I am a Customer Service Team Member at a tool store. In terms of my self professed profession, I consider myself a musician and writer. Whilst yet to see a single penny from either role, I adore playing/performing music and writing articles from music reviews to opinionated features to the point where I want to carry on with both, regardless of income.

The musician part has been recently fulfilled with myself taking the role of drummer in a band (more info to come on that in future), however after quitting a music website I had been writing for (as well as my current music blog growing a bit stale), I felt I needed a new writing outlet and furthermore, one that had no limitations on what I could post on a site like wordpress, where artistic levity is far more encouraged. Thus, Shame Chamber is born.

Anyways, I’m sure you all get the gist of how this blog will work… yeah, pretty randomly. I do aim to post fairly regularly and encourage any comments or opinions from any readers, whether its a thumbs up of agreement or a snarling retort to something you don’t see fit. Thats pretty much all there is to say at this point so read on and enjoy or don’t and piss off.

(Btw if anybody is wondering about the name, its a Kurt Vile song I took a particular liking to, I probably won’t be posting any shameful self deprecating stories… much.)